Preview the Pocket Guide to Self-Publishing


Here’s a preview of the NEW Pocket Guide to Self-Publishing for Artists, from the publishers of Professional Artist magazine.

This 40-page pocket-size guide is written by Professional Artist contributor E. Brady Robinson.

Buy Print+Digital Copies for $6.99. You’ll get a link to download the guide immediately, and then receive a print version a week or so later.

Buy a Digital Copy for $3.99. You’ll receive an email with a link to download the guide as soon as the order is placed.

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Marketing Vehicles

Your content is, of course, the meat of your site; but don’t underestimate the importance of the underlying design and layout. An artist website should look professional, while reflecting one’s personal style and “brand.” Brand is, in essence, how the public perceives a product, company or individual. You can’t fully control this perception, but you can influence it with your presentation choices. How do you want people to perceive you as an artist? … Read more

Pursuing Opportunities

How to apply depends on the submission guidelines stated on the individual nonprofit gallery’s website. Generally, any exhibition proposal would include the following: cover letter, C.V., artist statement, artist bio, project proposal, 10 images/work samples and an image list describing work samples. There are many resources available to help you create and structure the materials in your application. Read submission guidelines carefully. Submit no more and no less than what is required. Research the website extensively. You will be asked why you want to exhibit in that space, why now and how you will benefit from this exhibition opportunity. These questions can be addressed in your cover letter or statement. … Read more

Self-Publishing vs. Publishers

Print-on-demand (POD) services such as Blurb, LuLu and MagCloud allow artists the ability to publish in many formats, from physical books, to magazines and rich media books (e-books) with audio and video files that can easily be viewed on iPhones, iPads and other devices. Plus, as POD quality continues to increase and become more cost effective, more artists will be able to tell more complex and media-rich narratives, giving them a wide array of tools to be creative and tell their stories. … Read more

The Art of Books

Be patient. It’s a crowded field, and many publishers use their own art staff rather than freelancers. Also, be aware that however great your artwork may be, it will have to be vetted and approved by scores of folks in other departments who may have different agenda: sales, marketing and occasionally the author. If it’s a book that the publisher wants to promote, they’ll have the artwork vetted by a major bookseller, who will decide if the cover is worthy of their window or shelf promotion. … Read more

Business of Books

Photographer Chris Anthony: It was my first time, but I was familiar with Kickstarter as I had backed several projects over the last couple of years. I didn’t have much of a strategy other than presenting my ideas for what the book would look like. I had plenty of pictures and cover mock-ups, a short text and a detailed description of the rewards. I allowed the Kickstarter page to gestate for quite awhile, going back to it every other day or so to refine it. I probably worked on that page for at least six weeks, and then I had a few confidantes look it over and give me notes and comments to make sure it was clear and easy to navigate. … Read more

We hoped you enjoyed this preview of the NEW Pocket Guide to Self-Publishing for Artists, from the publishers of Professional Artist magazine.

Buy Print+Digital Copies for $6.99. You’ll get a link to download the guide immediately, and then receive a print version a week or so later.

Buy a Digital Copy for $3.99. You’ll receive an email with a link to download the guide as soon as the order is placed.

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