Billy Tackett

"Einstein," Billy Tackett.

Billy Tackett’s love for science fiction and horror inspired him to try oil painting and new techniques like “splattering” with his fingers. His technique started out with landscapes and florals. Tackett eventually began pushing the technique, tightening up the medium, and experimenting with portraits. Faces began to emerge, fantastical images appeared, and Tackett began creating highly textured paintings that people fell in love with. While Tackett continues exploring new techniques and his work still resonates with his love of pop culture, they are now sprinkled with more fine art creations.

Nearly 300 of Tackett’s works have been published as various book covers and illustrations. He has also created a series of oil paintings which led to multiple exhibits, awards, and invitations to national conventions and events.  Tackett has his own studio gallery, and offers live art demonstrations for hire at corporate parties and other events.

You can see more of his work on his website: