Artists Who Are Making a Positive Humanitarian Difference

Tracy Ellyn, Trees Immersed in Pattern, fine art glass, painting and photography on metal, sizes vary, by Tracy Ellyn, artist and founder/director of The Zen Tov Project.

This time of year, as a mentor and advisor, it’s always an honor to help artists achieve their fullest potential and bring their creative, career and financial goals to fruition. In these consulting sessions, many artists tell me they yearn to go beyond meeting their basic career objectives. Motivated by their love for humanity they feel compelled to use their art for humanitarian purposes in the new year ahead.

For artists seeking to fulfill such aspirations, it’s helpful to find role models who have accomplished similar goals. In this article, I introduce you to Steve Barr, Tracy Ellyn and James Bacchi, three artists who combine their creativity and core values in their own ways to make a difference in the world.

Steve Barr Helps Children in Hospitals through Drawing

Cartoonist Steve Barr’s unique journey began when his friend’s son was diagnosed with Leukemia. He began visiting children in various hospitals to share his talent. The extraordinary impact on children motivated him to launch Drawn To Help ( The organization’s mission includes other artists: “We help arrange ‘celebrity’ appearances by successful cartoonists and talented artists who want to have their own tremendous impact on the lives of these children.” They observe, as children in hospital beds create art, they smile more often and look towards the future again.

Steve exudes, “We’re planning to continue to expand as much as we possibly can in the coming years.” If you are a cartoonist and want to participate, visit the website. If you want to make a donation, visit

Tracy Ellyn Brings Healing to The World

Internationally acclaimed artist Tracy Ellyn ( creates mixed media abstract art that has been exhibited in galleries and museums, and placed in many hospitals and doctors’ offices. She is the founder and director of the Zen Tov Project: For Healing Through The Arts, the therapeutic arts division of The Life Quest Foundation. The Project uses the creative process “to heal, transform, and enhance lives.” One of its many arts-related initiatives has been to present art classes and therapeutic arts consultations for special needs youth and adults.

Tracy explains, “As an empath and an artist, this is the way I have chosen to do my small part in tikkun olam, or healing of the world.”

To learn more about the Zen Tov Project visit

James Bacchi Serves and Pledges

James Bacchi, co-owner of ArtHaus Gallery ( in San Francisco, has always made philanthropy an important focus of his gallery, serving many different causes since its inception in 1996. As a professional photographer of #inthesky photographs ( he donates a portion of sales of his #inthesky photographs to causes. For 12 years, he has served on the jury and host committee for Art For AIDS, and he also gives 10 percent of all of #inthesky photography sales to UCSF Alliance Health Project, the benefactor for Art For AIDS.

James tells us, “It is just another way I can contribute to this unique, and very special organization that provides free mental health and wellness services for the HIV/AIDS and LGBTQ Communities in San Francisco.”

I enjoy sharing stories about humanitarian artists who are using their creativity to lift their spirits and the lives of others. You’ll find articles about Artists and Organizations as World Changers at

You may also want to read Six Organizations That Provide Healing Through Art Programs

Renée Phillips, The Artrepreneur Coach, helps artists attain their fullest potential in private consultations, coaching sessions, articles and e-Books found on She is also founder/director/curator of Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. Follow her on Twitter @reneephillipsny, join her on Linkedin, reneephillipsartcoach, and on Facebook ReneePhillipsArtCoach.