Volunteer Arts Attorneys and Accountants


If you are an artist in need of pro bono or low-cost legal or accounting services, a surprisingly large number of organizations across the country offer help. Below we’ve listed a select sampling of volunteer legal groups around the country that serve artists. To contact your state association, visit the National Assembly of State Art Agencies (NASAA) at www.nasaa-arts.org, click on the member directory, and use the map of the United States provided:


Beverly Hills Bar Association /Barristers Committee for the Arts

Phone: 310-601-BHBA

Web: www.bhba.org/committees_sections/cfta.htm

California Lawyers for the Arts

San Francisco: 415-775-7200 or [email protected]

Southern California: 310-998-5590 or [email protected]

Sacramento: 916-442-6210 or [email protected]

San Jose: 916-442-6210 or [email protected]

Web: www.calawyersforthearts.org


Colorado Lawyers for the Arts

Contact: 303-722-7994 or [email protected]

Web: www.lawyersforthearts.org


Georgia Lawyers for the Arts

Contact: 404-873-3911 or [email protected]

Web: www.glarts.org


Chicago Artists’ Coalition

Contact: 312-781-0040 or [email protected]

Web: www.caconline.org

Lawyers for the Creative Arts, Chicago

Contact: 312-649-4111

Web: www.law-arts.org


Louisiana Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

Phone: 504-523-1465

Web: www.artscouncilofneworleans.org


Maine Lawyer Referral & Information Service

Phone: 800-860-1460


Maryland Lawyers for the Arts

Phone: 410-752-1633

Web: www.mdartslaw.org


ArtServe Michigan

Phone: 248-912-0760

Web: www.artservemichigan.org


Springboard for the Arts

Phone: 651-292-4381

Web: www.springboardforthearts.org


Kansas City Volunteer Lawyers and

Accountants for the Arts

Phone: 816-472-3535

Web: www.kcvlaa.org

St. Louis Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts

Contact: 314.863.6930

Web: www.vlaa.org

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Business Committee for the Arts

Contact: 603-224-8300

Web: www.nhbca.com/lawyersforarts.php

New Jersey

New Jersey Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

Contact: 856-627-0428

Web: www.njvla.org

New York

Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

Phone: 212-319-2787, ext. 1

Web: www.vlany.org

New York Artists Equity Association

Phone: 212-941-0130

Web: www.anny.org

Arts and Cultural Council of Greater Rochester

Phone: 585-473-4000

Web: www.artsrochester.org

North Carolina

North Carolina Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

Phone: 919-491-4625

Web: www.ncvla.org


Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants

for the Arts — Cleveland

Contact: 216-696-3525 or [email protected]

Web: www.clemetrobar.org


Oklahoma Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts

c/o Eric King, Gable & Gotwals

Contact: 405-235-5518 or [email protected]


Northwest Lawyers and Artists

(for artists in Oregon and SW Washington)

Kohel Hayer and Associates: 503-295-2787 or

[email protected]

Web: www.artisttrust.org


Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

Phone: 215-545-3385

Web: www.artsandbusinessphila.org

Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council

Phone: 412-391-2060

Web: www.pittsburghartscouncil.org


Tennessee Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

Phone: 615-312-7224

Web: www.tnvla.org


Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts

Phone: 713-526-4876, ext. 201

Web: www.talarts.org


Washington Lawyers for the Arts

Phone: 206-328-7053

Web: www.thewla.org


CARFAC — Canadian Artists Representation (Toronto)

Contact: 416-340-8850 or [email protected]

Web: www.carfacontario.ca

(list of regional CARFAC contacts and affiliates)

To report errors or omissions, e-mail [email protected].