Richard Laurent

“Sitting Room,” 2012, by Richard Laurent. Oil on Canvas, 24" x 24”. Copyright © 2012 Richard Laurent. Used by permission of the artist.

I was born Denver, Colorado and have a BS Design from IIT-Institute of Design. I have worked as a designer/illustrator for national magazines, as an editorial cartoonist for the Chicago Sun Times and I have been a gallery member at the FAB Gallery, Chicago. I have showcased solo and group shows nationally and have been represented by Gallery H and ZIA Gallery-Midwest. I am a co-producer of “The Art of Influence: Breaking Criminal Traditions,” a human-rights based group exhibition designed to travel to law schools creating awareness about issues impacting people (women specifically) in Third World cultures, based on the TEDtalk by Cheryl Jefferson (another co-producer). My studio is in the historic Fine Arts Building, Chicago, and I am an Instructor at Columbia College-Chicago.