Orin Carpenter

Moving Ahead, 2013, 18 x 24, Mixed Media. By Orin Carpenter.

My passion for life lives through the relationships I build with people. This same passion is displayed through my art. When approaching the creation of my art, the process is the most fulfilling component for me. The style of my work is mixed media. Using mixed media allows an incredible collaboration of materials. Within this process, I am able to leave the door open for spirituality within the piece. I allow the materials to speak to me creatively, as the chemistry between the materials maturates to a point of final execution. During this stage of creation, I truly learn more about who I am as an artist; uninhibited and unrestrained. Whether it is the composing of collage, the brushstrokes of acrylics or the intensity created by my pencil work, my ultimate goal is to welcome the viewer an opportunity to share in the journey. Visit Orin Carpenter.