Do you ever wonder what a regular marketing schedule for your art would look like?
Every week I comb through the hundreds of ideas I have for articles because I always find something new. Something that didn’t strike a chord a year ago suddenly calls my name.
I found this request deep in my filing system: I find it helpful to be reminded of what I can do or perhaps really should do on a daily, weekly, monthly, etc. basis.
The cheat sheet that follows is for Julie and everyone who finds comfort in knowing what to do and when. Here is a simple marketing schedule to follow.
• Read something about art to fill your content well and to be inspired.
• Update your status on your Facebook page.
• Take your pick: Schedule a few tweets to be sent throughout the day, post an image to Instagram, or add to your Pinterest boards.
• Respond to a handful of tweets and status updates from people on your favorite social media channels.
• Post an article and images of your art to your blog.
• Send a few personal emails, notes or thank-you cards to collectors or others who have been kind to you.
• Work a little on your newsletter ideas so that you’re ready to publish on your monthly schedule.
• Send a newsletter or simple message to your entire email list.
• Attend an art function or event where you can meet new people and connect with old friends.
• Update your list with names of people who want to receive email or regular mail from you.
• Review your income goals to see if you’re on track for the year. Step on the gas if you’re behind.
• Check in with your gallerists to see how they’re doing and how you might be able to help them.
• Send postcards to everyone you want to keep your name and art in front of.
• Update images and text on your website.
• Review your income goals to see how you did and what you need to add or change for the New Year.
• Set realistic, but challenging, goals for the year.
• Comb through your entire website to see that the content is fresh and the design looks current.
Leave a comment below and tell me if your current schedule resembles this.
Print Your Cheat Sheet
Download a printable version of this list to keep close to your desk.
Alyson Stanfield is an artist advocate and business mentor at This article was originally published in her Art Biz Insider, which is sent weekly to thousands of artists who are elevating their businesses. Start your subscription now and get Alyson’s 6 free art-marketing video lessons at