Building Self-Confidence as an Artist

Photo by Crista Cloutier. Copyright © Crista Cloutier. Used by permission of the artist.

I am bullish about this generation.

The more students I meet, the more I’m impressed by their ambitious drive and their altruistic dreams — they think bigger than their egos. And I find this everywhere I go.

But they have so many questions about self-confidence. Where does self-confidence come from? How can I get it?

I think the answer lies in work. Self-confidence comes when you do the work over and over and over again. As you do, you develop your craft and find your voice. And you know that you have something to say. And you believe that you can say it well.

This is where self-confidence comes from. You have to work for it.

Crista Cloutier works internationally as an artist and writer. She is the founder of The Working Artist. Over the course of her career, Crista has collaborated with some of the most significant contemporary artists showing today. She is certified as a fine arts appraiser, has worked as a licensor, arts writer, gallerist, award-winning documentary filmmaker, fine-art publisher, and she has curated dozens of exhibitions. Crista has worked with artists whose careers range from blue-chip to just beginning. She knows firsthand how successful artists manage their careers and has witnessed where aspiring artists often stumble. Visit to find out more.