Juliette Hemingway

Juliette Hemingway
Trane of Thought

Juliette Hemingway is a self-taught artist who studied the atelier system of classical realism. Her work is influenced by an eclectic set of artists such as, Picasso, Basquiat, the Harlem Renaissance artists as well as comic book and graffiti artists. Hemingway has developed her own very personalized and independent style. Her canvases are bold tones of color and precise pen & ink outlines. Her works are abstractions of the figure supported on a multimedia ground that adds depth and a dimensional quality. Each piece is a reflection of a moment in time, an experience, a chapter from her personal story. The one constant are the blue hued figures. The blue hues are a reflection of what is always present in her life and that is her beloved son. A young man with Autism. Despite what her experiences are in life, autism will always be a part of it and therefore, a part of her work.

You can learn more about Juliette Hemingway on her website: hemingwaystudios.com.