Kathleen Craig

Big Pear, 2016, 37"x44" Oil

Kathleen Craig was born in New Jersey and ultimately settled in Virginia. Along the way, she married and raised three children.

It was in Baltimore, where her husband was completing his graduate training, and where Craig worked as an editor, where she decided to try a night school class in drawing. Craig had never thought to pursue an artistic career; art museums made her yawn and she had friends who were artistically inclined.

The very first night of that class the teacher armed Craig with vine charcoal, a chamois, and some big sheets of newsprint, and gave the class a couple of pointers about drawing what you actually see, rather than what you know is there.

At the end of the session Craig had created something that actually looked like a table; she felt I felt strangely and magically gifted that night and wanted to keep doing this. The rest is a rather long, drawn-out history of self education. Craig has studied with fabulous teachers, beginning with Stuart Abarbanel from that long ago drawing class. She is sure she took away something that still helps her from every one of them.

To view more work from the artist, visit kathleencraig.net.