Hank Pulkowski

“Old Friends at the Farmers Market”, 2013 by Hank Pulkowski. Watercolor, 22" x 15”. Copyright © 2013 Hank Pulkowski. Used by permission of the artist.

Hank Pulkowski is a watercolor painter who lives and works in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. After his early retirement in 2005 from a 33-year career in law enforcement, Hank has been devoting most of his time to photography and watercolor painting. While he dabbled in art periodically over the past 40 years or more, he only began painting watercolors seriously in 2004. Most of Pulkowski’s paintings are derived from his photographs. Mostly self-taught as a watercolorist, Pulkowski’s paintings have been juried into and appeared in numerous shows and exhibitions both in Pennsylvania and South Carolina. For more information about Pulkowski and his work, visit his website: www.hankpulkowski.com