5 Steps to a Magazine Feature of You and Your Art

Patricia Griffin in her studio. Photo by Debbie Markham.

The December 2014/January 2015 edition of Professional Artist magazine features an article by me titled “Think Before You Leap: Beware of People Who Tell You to Follow Your Passion.”

The editor suggested photos of artists at work to accompany the article and I knew exactly who to contact: ceramic artist Patricia Griffin.

Patricia is a member of my Art Biz Incubator and I receive her newsletter.

Months ago she sent an email with gorgeous photos of her in the studio. I complimented her on the images and she told me that she had hired a professional photographer to take photos of her in the studio. It showed.

Patricia’s photos were so engaging that they stood out among the hundreds of emails I see from artists. I remembered them even after months had passed. I knew her photos would be appropriate for magazine publication.

Be Magazine-Ready

It’s easy to replicate Patricia’s success, but it requires this 5-step planning process.

1. Hire a photographer.

Patricia didn’t ask a friend to take pictures with an iPhone. She went to an expert who knows how to compose photos and use a real camera.

I have nothing against iPhone photos, but they are rarely appropriate for slick publications.

2. Appear as happy, productive, and successful in your photos.

A slide that I like to show at my workshops and events
A slide that I like to show at my workshops and events

The minute you tell the world you’re an artist you are marketing. Everything you share enhances or detracts from your brand.

Plan your staged photos so that you look vibrant, which isn’t the same thing as looking young. Vibrant means that you radiate positive energy.

3. Use your new photos in your emails, on social media, and on your website.

Don’t wait on a magazine publication to use your photos. Start using them immediately!

I first saw Patricia’s photographs in her newsletter and they caught my attention because they were a much higher quality than ones I was used to seeing.

4. Monitor your email.

When a writer is on deadline, they need photos right away. Patricia was reading her email and responded quickly to my request.

She was available and I can’t tell you how crucial this is.

5. Be organized.

Patricia Griffin featured in Professional Artist magazine.
Patricia Griffin featured in Professional Artist magazine.

Within hours Patricia had emailed high-resolution files for the magazine feature. I never asked, but she surely has some kind of system that allowed her to meet our needs immediately.

There’s a Payoff

I sent the editors a couple of photos of Patricia. They liked them so much that they contacted her for more photos. They wanted to include her art as well!

Do you have high-quality images of you at work? Feel free to share a link to them in a comment. You never know when I’ll need more!

Alyson Stanfield is an artist advocate and business mentor at ArtBizCoach.com. This article was originally published in her Art Biz Insider, which is sent weekly to thousands of artists who are elevating their businesses. Start your subscription now and get Alyson’s 6 free art-marketing video lessons at artbizcoach.com.


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