Free, Fun and Valuable Resources for Artists

Jessie Monaco,, Look, digital art.

If you’re like me and you don’t have a lot of patience or time to meet the demands of self-promotion and marketing, you’ll love my selection of free, fun and valuable resources for artists. I’ve discovered many wonderful tools online that I use for myself and my clients. Here are four of my favorites and I hope you also find them helpful.

Design Graphic Designs with

You don’t need to hire a graphic designer to create free graphics. When I need promotional images for myself and my clients, I go to  This site offers dozens of templates ranging from an Instagram post and a Facebook banner to an e-Book cover and a Resume. Follow the simple steps, choose the fonts, upload your own images and you’re done. Download the image as a jpeg, pdf or png file and share. You’ll be amazed at all the tools the site has to offer. Check out their design tutorials, articles and tips

Create Videos using Lumen5

When I decided to launch a YouTube channel to promote artists, I had no patience for getting special equipment or learning the steps. I was delighted to discover, where I set up a free account and within an hour I had created my first of many slide show videos complete with music. Just let the Lumen5 artificial intelligence system help you turn a blog post or rss feed into an amazing professional looking video that will get you rave reviews on social media. Your videos will also get you a much higher SEO on your blog or website. Take the Lumen5 tour here:

Receive Art World News from Hyperallergetic

Staying informed about what’s happening in the art world is a huge challenge. So, when I receive the email newsletter from Hyperallergetic, I know I’ll get a quick exciting overview. Based in Brooklyn, NY, Hyperallergetic goes beyond your traditional art magazine to give you the latest in art events and trends worldwide. Hyperallergic lives up to its description as “a forum for serious, playful, and radical thinking about art in the world today.” Check it out here and start your free daily or weekly subscription:

Learn About SEO from Yoast

If you’re confused about SEO, you’re not alone. If you have a WordPress website, you probably know Yoast is a leader in this field. It offers several plugins to optimize WordPress sites built around one core SEO plugin. But, you don’t need to have a WordPress site to read their easy to understand informative blog articles that will keep you totally up to date on the latest in SEO. You can also take online workshops that will improve your knowledge and demystify the subject for you. Visit the Yoast SEO blog at

In this article, I’ve only scratched the surface of everything you’ll find when you check out these valuable resources. I hope you’ll find many ways to use them to save time, money and frustration. Let me know how they work for you!

Renée Phillips, The Artrepreneur Coach, helps artists attain their fullest potential in private consultations, coaching sessions, articles and e-Books found on She is also founder/director/curator of Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. Follow her on Twitter @reneephillipsny, join her on Linkedin, reneephillipsartcoach, and on Facebook ReneePhillipsArtCoach.