Find and Nurture Your Artist Community


The one thing I missed the most when I moved to France by myself was community. Art does not live in a bubble and I don’t subscribe to the lone genius theory.

Art is a reflection of the time and space in which it lives. Artists who are part of a community make stronger work, and they feel more supported — because they are.

Artists who are involved with a community are engaged in the economy of ideas, and if you’ve heard me say it once you have heard me say it twice: Ideas are an artist’s currency.

Much in the same way that bankers deal in money, artists deal in ideas. So, it’s important to create an atmosphere where ideas thrive and are nurtured.

That’s not to say that you must attend every opening, every art event. I used to do that and it’s both exhausting and soul-destroying.

But find that which has heart and meaning for you, find your people and support them, go to their events, read their blogs and posts, leave positive comments, share.

Too often artists get scared that they have to do everything. You don’t. Narrow your focus and do it well and with generosity.

Find your people.

Crista Cloutier works internationally as an artist and writer. She is the founder of The Working Artist. Over the course of her career, Crista has collaborated with some of the most significant contemporary artists showing today. She is certified as a fine arts appraiser, has worked as a licensor, arts writer, gallerist, award-winning documentary filmmaker, fine-art publisher, and she has curated dozens of exhibitions. Crista has worked with artists whose careers range from blue-chip to just beginning. She knows firsthand how successful artists manage their careers and has witnessed where aspiring artists often stumble. Visit to find out more.